These 10 health benefits of Jaggery will make you want to ditch white sugar!

Bowl of jaggery

The earliest memory I have of jaggery is when I was six, ravishing ‘akki rotti’ with a spoonful of jaggery that I had somehow managed to sneak on to my plate without my mother noticing. Considering we were in a small village, sugar was a luxury for our family and hence, we’d always resort to jaggery when we were struck by sweet cravings. But within a few years, we switched to white sugar and didn’t look back ever since then. Recently, I discovered the numerous health benefits of jaggery and wished we had continued using it.

We are all aware of how harmful white sugar is and yet, we cannot stop using it. And more often than not, the sugar-free alternatives just don’t do the job. So, we continue packing spoonfuls of this white poison in every dish. But today, I bring to you a compelling reason, no wait, 10 compelling reasons that will make you want to switch to jaggery. I have been doing it for the past year and have seen amazing results.


A Conceptualised image of a liver between two hands

What I’m about to say might sound a bit unbelievable but it is true. Jaggery is one of the best natural detoxifiers for the body. It cleanses out your system of toxins and in turn, gets rid of several health problems. It also aids liver function by helping the liver do its job by expelling toxins.

Aids in weight loss

Woman measuring her waist size standing in front of a mirror

While the consumption of jaggery will not make you lose 10 kilograms in a month, it definitely aids weight loss in its own way. Jaggery helps you with your weight loss journey by increasing your metabolism and reducing water retention. Jaggery has an abundance of Potassium which plays a major role in reducing water retention.

Improves digestion

Man rubbing his stomach smiling

The elements in Jaggery are said to activate digestive enzymes in your body, thus facilitating smooth digestion. Bid adieu to constipation and digestive problems with the help of jaggery. It has to be noted that overconsumption of jaggery can cause diarrhoea, so it’s very important to strike the right balance.

Improves immunity

Vector image of a protective cover around a man voiding germs

Jaggery is high in nutritional value and brimming with rich minerals and antioxidants which help boost immunity. Eating jaggery or Gur will also increase your haemoglobin which in turn will strengthen your immune system even more. For this very reason, I ensure my children consume jaggery. The stronger their immune system the lesser they fall sick.

Prevents Iron deficiency anaemia

Jaggery pieces

One of the most common types of anaemia is Iron deficiency anaemia. This condition is caused due to insufficient iron levels in the body. Jaggery is quite rich in iron and can help regulate the iron levels if consumed in adequate quantities along with other Iron-rich foods.

Purifies blood

Vector image of a heart rate

One of the lesser-known health benefits of jaggery is also one of its most important benefits. Jaggery is known to purify the blood in your body when consumed in small quantities over a regular period of time. But it’s very important to be careful with this as overconsumption can actually lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Relieves joint pain

Person holding their knee

Medical experts recommend consuming jaggery with a piece of ginger to relieve joint pains. Consuming a glass of milk with some jaggery is also said to have the same effect. Though this might not get rid of the pain completely, when used in combination with medication, it will really make a difference.

Soothes menstrual cramps

Woman going through cramps

In my 20’s, I used to detest my body during my menstrual cycle because of the terrible cramps I had to endure. Over the years, the intensity of the cramps have reduced but I can still remember how terribly painful it was. If you suffer from cramps, you should definitely try using jaggery as a pain reliever. The essential nutrients in jaggery are said to ease menstrual cramps. Just nibble on a small piece or mix it with milk and consume it during the off days.

Treats cough and cold

Woman coughing

We rarely fall seriously ill in our family but if there is one thing that we are easily susceptible to, it is the common flu. Whenever someone in my family has a cough or a cold, we drink tea with a small piece of jaggery dissolved in it. Whether it’s because of the jaggery or the body’s natural healing process, we definitely heal a lot quicker when we consume tea with jaggery in it.

Acts as a source of energy

Man running

Jaggery is said to increase your energy levels and make you feel less tired. I’m not talking about the kind of effect that you get from a sugar rush, I’m talking of a natural spike in your energy levels without the jitters. Gur or Jaggery gets absorbed into your bloodstream slowly and keeps you feeling energised for a while.

How to eat jaggery on a regular basis?

Jaggery syrup in a bowl with jaggery pieces next to it

For someone who has never consumed jaggery, consuming jaggery on a regular basis might seem impossible without putting in a lot of effort. But it is quite easy actually. Here are some ways through which you can easily include jaggery in your diet:

  • Substitute sugar with jaggery in coffee and tea.
  • Use pure jaggery syrup as a sweetener for oatmeal, breakfast cereal, sambhar, certain curries, and other dishes.
  • Substitute sugar with jaggery in sweets whenever possible.
  • You can also add jaggery to chapathi and plain parathas.

I use jaggery in a lot of Indian dishes that I prepare, let me know if you’d like to see recipes. I also feel obliged to inform you that like any other food, jaggery can be harmful when consumed in large quantities. It’s important to use it in limited quantities in a way that will be beneficial to your health.

Do you think we have missed out on any of the health benefits of jaggery? Let me know in the comments below!


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