Preschool for kids: Should you send them to one?

Before I present my two cents on the matter, let me start off by saying that both my kids have been to preschools. However, if someone were to ask me if it is an important milestone to achieve, I wouldn’t give them a definite “yes”! I would say preschools have their own advantages and disadvantages. What your child needs, coupled with their upbringing, are huge determinants of whether you should send them to one.

I have witnessed a lot of newbie parents debating about the importance of preschool for kids. So, to help you guys make an informed decision, I have collated this pros and cons list, actual points that I myself considered before sending my son to the preschool.

This is what I love about preschools…

  • They are able to teach kids things that we as parents might not be able to, at least not as consistently. For example, Rian (my eldest) learned how to read and write quite early and when my daughter started going to the preschool, she really got invested in states and their capitals! These are things that can be taught at home also, however, the kind of structured curriculum that preschools offer, makes them a suitable learning environment for children.
  • Both my kids developed strong friendships and formed bonds with their fellow preschoolers, which is so adorable! They would have their occasional playdates at home, however, going to a preschool has made them fairly confident with their social skills and I’ve noticed them resolving issues with each other without anybody’s supervision (especially mine!).
  • Sending my eldest to a preschool seriously helped him with his trust issues. Earlier, he would cling to me and me only, which made it quite difficult for friends and family to interact with him. Since preschool, I’ve noticed a visible difference in his demeanour. He listens to other adults more, is definitely more compliant, and doesn’t mind voicing out his concerns to his teachers.
  • ‘Mommy, I learned Yoga today!’, my five-year-old screamed at me one day after heading home from school. Her preschool had organised a Yoga class along with the presentations and all that jazz! She was super stoked to have been exposed to this entirely new experience. Events such as this one help children experience things that I, otherwise wouldn’t have been able to teach them. My kids have evolved from caterpillars into butterflies at school, that’s an adventure I could never give them!
  • Finally, preschools are a gateway to kindergarten and thereafter, regular school! No daycare centre or creche will be able to teach your kids the stuff they teach at a preschool. Some things that Rian and Shalakha learnt that really helped build the foundation to a regular school are:
    • Following your teacher’s and elders’ instructions
    • Waking up on time in the morning
    • Eating away from home
    • Listening and learning
    • Socialising

Now, here are the downsides to preschools that you might run into…

  • You might be faced with a horde of flexibility issues when it comes to preschools. They may show a lot of rigidity with respect to the number of hours your child is required to spend at school and the number of days he’s required to attend. Aligning your work schedule with your child’s preschool timings could get challenging!
  • My expenses skyrocketed once my kids started going to the preschool. Apart from monthly tuition, you’ll also be required to take care of things like deposits, school supplies, registration fees, and so on. When you’ve got two kids, preschool expenses can definitely burn a hole in your budget.
  • Another challenge that I faced was my kids falling sick frequently! I am extremely proud of the fact that they make for such healthy babies, but ever since they started school, they seem to fall sick or catch a cold more often. Exposure to other children can take some time getting used to, especially where their health is concerned, but this eventually builds their immunity to germs and viruses in the real world.

These are some of the challenges I faced with preschools, however, they’re workable issues. As I’ve mentioned before, both my kids have been to preschools, so you understand where I stand. I hope you have gathered a balanced view on the subject and are able to make an informed decision!

Do let me know in the comments below if you’ve faced other challenges with preschools for kids!


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