Pregnancy tests at Home: Do they work? What are the alternatives?

Woman holding a card with a question mark

Think you might be pregnant? If so, you must have already scoured the internet about pregnancy tests at home and got tons of suggestions. Finding out you are pregnant whether you were planning for it or not will have you going through a myriad of emotions. The only thing that will get you off of this emotional rollercoaster is confirming whether you are pregnant or not. 

Most people prefer taking a pregnancy test at home to ascertain their pregnancy. While some do it for the convenience of it, others prefer it as it is more discreet. One of the most famous ways to do a pregnancy test is through DIY methods where you can use basic kitchen essentials to do a pregnancy test. Because taking a pregnancy test is similar to baking a cake, right? 

On a serious note, there are many parenting and pregnancy sites that advocate these tests that use ingredients like sugar, salt, and even toothpaste. All these tests involve simple ingredients and one common factor- your pee. But do they actually work? If not, why are they so popular? And what is an alternate Home pregnancy test? Well, we’ve got all the answers to your questions! Let’s dive in!

Pregnancy symptoms

Nauseous woman bending over the sink

Before we discuss pregnancy tests at home, it’s important to know if you really need to take a test. Here is a list of common pregnancy symptoms that might help you figure out if you really need to take the test:

  • Missed period
  • Very light spotting
  • Terrible cramps
  • Sore breasts
  • Nausea
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Aversion to food
  • Vomiting
  • Mood swings

The first two symptoms on the list are highly indicative of pregnancy. If you experience these symptoms or notice anything unusual about your periods after recently copulating, you might need to take a pregnancy test. 

DO DIY home pregnancy tests work?

Woman refusing a bottle of salt

From salt to bleaching powder, these DIY pregnancy tests use all sorts of ingredients. Most of these tests require you to combine your urine sample with ingredients such as sugar, salt, toothpaste, vinegar, etc and wait for a certain reaction that would confirm the pregnancy.

Sure, most of these tests do not cause you any direct harm but they can give wrong results which can result in bigger problems. The way pregnancy tests work is by checking for a pregnancy hormone (HCG) in your urine. This hormone is released when a fertilised egg attaches itself to the uterus.

While I’m not refuting that these pregnancy tests might never work, the chances of salt detecting HCG in your urine sounds as real as unicorns. There is a reason doctors recommend scientific medical tests to ascertain pregnancy. At the end of the day, even if your DIY pregnancy test does turn out positive, you will have to go to the doctor for the next step, whether you decide to go through with the pregnancy or terminate it.

So does that mean you will have to go to a doctor for a pregnancy test and that you can’t do it at home? Not necessarily. There are other credible pregnancy tests that you can take at home. Read on to know all about it.

Safe home pregnancy test- Pregnancy test kits and sample tests!

Woman holding a positive pregnancy test

You might have seen them in ads or on the shelves of a medical store. I’m talking about home pregnancy test kits. These tests are quite safe and deliver accurate results 99% of the time. They are almost as accurate as the test you’d take at the doctor’s office.

How do home pregnancy tests work?

The home pregnancy test kits check your urine for HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) a hormone produced during pregnancy. If the hormone is detected in your urine, you’d be shown a positive result meaning you are pregnant. If the results are negative, you are not pregnant.

If you are wondering how to take a home pregnancy test, you might be happy to know it’s a very simple process. There are a variety of home pregnancy test kits available but almost all of them require you to do one thing- pee on a stick. Some pregnancy test kits might ask you to collect your urine sample and then use a dropper to transfer the urine on to the test stick. Most of the test results are indicated by lines on the stick. One-line meaning negative results and two lines indicating a positive pregnancy.

If you notice a faint second line on the test, you might need to wait a day or two and take the test again with a fresh kit. 

When is the best time to take a home pregnancy test?

The best time to use a home pregnancy test kit is in the morning just after waking up. This reduces the chances of consuming too much liquid and thus diluting the HCG which will show false-negative results. The results are also more accurate if you wait till you miss your first period or after 15 days after conception.

Where to buy the home pregnancy test?

You can buy a home pregnancy kit at any pharmacist store. There is no reason to feel shy about making the purchase. But if you really are reluctant about going out and buying the home pregnancy test kit, you can order it online on Amazon and similar sites where you can get the test in discreet packaging.

Alternate to home pregnancy kit!

Vector image of a person handing out a urine sample in a bottle to a gloved hand

Another alternative to home pregnancy kit tests is getting a lab test done with sample collection from home. There are many diagnostic centres that offer pregnancy tests where the medical technicians come to your house and collect the sample. This is usually common with pregnancy tests that require a blood test.

All in all, a home pregnancy test kit is a far better bet than a DIY pregnancy test at home. Though there have been certain cases of these DIY tests having worked for some people, the number of people who have got inaccurate results using such methods is higher. Do not heed any advice from non-professionals about DIY methods when it comes to your body and trust scientific tests and your doctors.


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