20 Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting with K!

‘K’ Balloon

Are you on the hunt for Hindu baby boy names starting with the letter k? I’ve got you covered!

Kairav- This name for baby boy is of Hindi origin and means ‘White lotus’ or ‘Pure’. It’s a very rare name for boys.

Kabilash- Referring to the one who is always good, Kabilash is the perfect example of a name that’s both modern and traditional.

Kaalik- With a name like Kaalik, your little boy is bound to live for many years. The name means ‘eternal’ or ‘long lived’.

Kadhir- Meaning ‘Brilliant’ and ‘A bright ray of light’, the name Kadhir refers to someone who is smart.

Kamran- This unique Hindu name for boys starting with K means ‘Success’. If you want your little guy to grow up to be a successful man, you should name him this.

Kanva- Do you think your boy is talented, honoured, and intelligent? Then you should definitely name him Kanva which depicts the aforementioned qualities.

Kanak- Despite being a pretty popular name, Kanak is one of those names that still has a charm to it. The name means ‘Gold’.

Lotus flower on a lake

Kamal- This is another popular name for Hindu boys mostly used in Northern India. The name means ‘Lotus flower’ in Hindi.

Kiyansh- Kiyansh is a very pretty Hindu name for boys that talks about a person of supreme qualities.

Keyvan- Meaning the ‘World’ or ‘Universe’, Keyvan is a unique name for Hindu boys.

Karnik- Is your son already judging your parenting skills? Maybe you should name him ‘Karnik’ meaning ‘Judge’.

Karun- The name Karun is derived from the character from Mahabharata, Karna. The name means ‘Compassionate’.

Katran- Katran is a very unique Hindu boy name meaning ‘Well learned’ and ‘well educated’.

Kinshuk- If you think this name is pretty, you should hear the meaning. The name means ‘Pretty flower’.

Kirpal- Meaning ‘Merciful’, Kirpal is a one-of-a-kind name for Hindu baby boys.

Kiaan- Meaning ‘King’, there can’t be a better name for your little king who has already captured your heart!

Ksitij- Ksitij is a very rare Hindu boy name which means ‘Son of the earth’ or ‘horizon’.

Kunj- Kunj is a very sweet name which refers to a person with a melodious voice.

Kuvara- Meaning ‘Fragrant’, Kuvara is a name for Hindu boys that’s slowly becoming popular in India.

Kushad- Think your little guy is the most talented guy out there? Then you should name him ‘Kushad’ meaning’ The talented one’.

Which one of these Hindu baby boy names starting with K did you like the most? Let me know!


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