How I make money as a stay-at-home mom

Being a mom can be a highly demanding full-time job with no paycheck. Like many other moms, I didn’t want my husband to work day and night to make ends meet. I, too, wanted to help out by doing my bit. It was hard to balance between raising babies and working, at first. But with time, I found a few workarounds.

Cute boy with mom working on a laptop.
I’ve been a good boy. Can we go play now?

I started working when my 12-year-old started going to playschool, and then took a break in between when I was about 6 months pregnant with my second child. Handling a naughty 6 year-old-boy and a newborn was no easy task so I took a good two years to get back into the work-from-home zone.

There’s no rule as to when you should start working. As long as it doesn’t stress you out and get in the way of your daily chores (which could again stress you out), you can work all day, every day through pregnancy and during your chid’s infancy too.

Believe it or not, there are hundreds of ways by which you can make money at home. I’ve taken up about 5 tasks that matched my skill set and free time. I’m sharing these to shed light on anyone who’s looking to work from home.

With no further ado, let’s dive into it!

5 easy ways to make money as a stay-at-home home


Blogging is definitely a way to make money, but it does take time to get a considerable number of readers. You can blog about anything under the Sun, it need not be just about parenting or kids. Create original and informative content to gain followers.

A person sitting at a table and working on a blog on a laptop.
If you can write a blog between changing diapers, why not do it?

If you’re not into blogging per se, but can let your creativity flow through writing, you can sign up for freelancing. The best part about freelancing is that you don’t need the commitment you need to run a blog. You can take up projects as and when you wish. While some projects pay per word, some pay per project.

I started taking up small projects that paid by the word, first, and then took up big projects when I had time on my hands.


If you didn’t know already, I love to cook and baking is my speciality. A friend of mine used to sell cupcakes through a website and she introduced me to this concept of baking for virtual clients. Baking every day is next to impossible especially when you have kids with a sweet tooth who hide behind kitchen doors plotting to steal the dough when I’m away.

So, I do this once in a while when my kids are busy and I’m in the mood to bake a cake that I’d have to give away.


I started teaching when a neighbour’s daughter asked me to help her with her English tests. I didn’t charge her but it sure gave me an idea to start teaching virtually. I signed up on learning platforms to teach. Every once in a while, when my kids are fast asleep, I teach English to kids and adults on the other side of the globe!


My baking skills let me earn through two ways – one, I sell some great dessert. And two, I take pictures that I sell on stock image websites. Again, this is not something I do regularly but has helped me earn a few thousand over the years.

All you need is a good camera and a good sense of aesthetics to click a perfect picture.

Chocolate brownies stacked one on top of the other.
How much chocolate is too much chocolate?

Virtual assistant

This is a relatively new arena even for me. A freelance client introduced me to this concept. Basically, you can sell any service that you’re experienced in, but virtually. So far, I’ve worked on email management, social media management, and content creation.

You can take up virtual assistant tasks for anything such as web designing, branding services, affiliate management, etc. Make sure you have enough time on your hands as this is paid by the hour and can be slightly demanding.

I never thought I’d be able to comfortably make money at home. The discovery of each of these jobs was a real eye-opener.

Do you also work from home in your free time? How do you manage your time? Let me know in the comments!


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