Classic sandwich recipes that kids are crazy about!

My kids are huge sandwich enthusiasts! Their love for a wholesome sandwich filled with vegetables and meat surpasses any affection they might have for a plate of chicken biryani or even pizza.

Which is why you’ll always find a variety of sandwich bread at my house ranging from the simple sourdough bread to milk bread and baguettes.

In an effort to make the perfectly well-balanced sandwich that is equally delicious, I experimented with a truckload of ingredients and recipes, some of which totally knocked the ball out of the park! It’s only fair that I share these with you guys.

These sandwich recipes for kids are nutritious and so easy you can easily whip one up on a busy school day.

Let’s get started.

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Grilled cheese sandwich served with tomato soup and ketchup!
Looks like it’s going to be a cheat day!

At the expense of sounding boastful, I will say that I am kind of a grilled cheese expert and my recipe has been described as ‘restaurant-yummy’ by my 9-year-old daughter (yep, that’s quite the achievement for me!).


  • Mozzarella cheese (slices only)
  • Gouda or Cheddar cheese (slices only)
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Butter


  • Apply butter on both sides of the bread slices. Butter should be used generously.
  • Place one slice of Mozzarella cheese and one of Gouda or Cheddar on one of the slices of bread.
  • Place the other bread slice on top of this one and place the sandwich on a non-stick pan.
  • You can also use a sandwich maker to get the perfect grilled cheese sandwich.
  • When the cheese starts melting, take the sandwich off the pan and serve hot.

The Classic Club Sandwich

Club sandwich loaded with ham, tomatoes, and tomatoes served in a multigrain bread!
Who’ da known a sandwich could be tasty and healthy!

One of my personal favourites, this sandwich reminds me of flavours from my mother’s kitchen!


  • Multigrain bread
  • Roasted veggies – cucumber, tomatoes, onion, and red/yellow bell pepper
  • Cheese slices (I use the cheese slices by Amul)
  • Mustard sauce
  • Chicken ham (optional)


  • Spread the mustard on each bread slice generously.
  • Now place the cheese slices on the bread (one slice for one sandwich).
  • Add the roasted veggies and chicken ham thereafter and place the sandwich on a pan till it turns crispy.
  • You can also use a sandwich maker.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
A PB&J sandwich has the power of bringing back a truckload of childhood memories!

My son is a devoted PB&J sandwich fan and pesters me to pack it for his lunch at least three times in a week!


  • Peanut butter
  • Strawberry jam or grape jelly
  • Whole wheat bread slices


  • Spread the peanut butter generously on the bread slices.
  • Spread the jelly next (on both slices).
  • Place one on top of the other.
  • Cut the sandwich in half.

Pizza Sandwich

Pizza baguette loaded with bell peppers and cheese!
It’s a PIZZA night!

One of my personal favourites, this sandwich is super easy to put together and equally delish! 

Note: I sometimes throw in veggies such as bell pepper and onions to give the sandwich a delightful twist!


  • Butter
  • White bread
  • Mozzarella cheese slices
  • Pizza sauce
  • Finely grated Parmesan cheese
  • Basil leaves
  • Red chilli pepper flakes


  • Spread butter on the outer sides of the bread slices.
  • On the inside of one of the slices, spread some pizza sauce, Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese, and basil leaves.
  • Cover the loaded slice with the other one (buttered side on the top).
  • In a skillet or pan, cook the sandwich until it becomes crispy and the cheese melts. 
  • You can also bake it for about 5 minutes till the cheese has turned brown!
  • Garnish with the chilli flakes and serve.

These sandwich recipes for kids have been my favourite since my own childhood and I’m super happy that my children are obsessed with them as well!

Do let me know which ones you tried out at home!


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