Building a capsule wardrobe for kids is easy if you do it this way! 

Girl sorting through clothes
What do I wear today?

I get a lot of comments from friends about how I don’t have to spend too much on clothes since I have three boys. Apparently, a lot of people are under the assumption that boys don’t care about fashion and will make do with whatever they have in their wardrobe. If only they could hear the cries of “Mom, I have nothing to wear” echoing from my kids’ rooms every two days. Boys care about fashion as much as girls and the older they get, the more they care. Now, I don’t really blame them as I was in the same boat up until I discovered the magic of a capsule wardrobe. Tired of their constant complaining about the lack of clothes, I decided to build a capsule wardrobe for my kids. I thought if it worked for me it would work for them too. And for the first time in a very long time, I was right about something.

Ever since I created a capsule wardrobe for my kids, the complaints have reduced drastically. If you are wondering how to build one for your kids, I have all the deets!

Basic steps to build a capsule wardrobe!

Building a capsule wardrobe can be done in 4 easy steps and if I could do it, so can you!

Simplify the existing collection

Pile of clothes
It’s time to declutter!

The first step to building a capsule wardrobe is simplifying the existing collection. Rake through your children’s clothes and put aside items that they don’t wear anymore or have outgrown. You will probably have to shop for new clothes anyway, so save only the ones that you are sure your kids will wear.

Observe and make style notes

My second son has tee-shirts of every colour imaginable from earthy brown to beige. But he always reaches out for the blues and blacks. There are items in his wardrobe that he has never worn and will probably never wear. Even though it might not be apparent, most kids have style preferences – be it in the form of their favourite colour or their favourite style of clothing. Pay attention and make notes of what your child likes when it comes to fashion. This will make shopping for them much easier and even save you from purchasing clothes they’ll never wear.

Use the ‘mix and match’ trick while shopping

Permutation and combination for new outfits!
That’s 6 outfits!

If I could suggest one shopping trick to help you build a capsule wardrobe, it’s the ‘mix and match’ trick. When you are purchasing a new item of clothing, make sure that the new item can be paired with at least two items in the existing wardrobe to create outfits. For instance, a plain white tee-shirt can be paired with shorts, jeans, and dungarees of any colour and pattern. But a blue and yellow polka dot shirt can only be paired with light coloured bottoms. Here are some things to keep in mind while shopping for a capsule wardrobe for kids:

  • Avoid purchasing clothes with loud prints and patterns.
  • Stick to key pieces in basic colours.
  • Invest in high-quality clothes.

The key is in organising

Boy sorting through colour-coded clothing
Picking an outfit is easy now!

It doesn’t matter how many clothes you buy, your kids will still have the same problem if their clothes aren’t arranged suitably. Arranging my kids’ clothes by colour made life so much easier for them and for me since I didn’t have to hear their complaints anymore. There are numerous ways to arrange your kids’ clothes in the wardrobe, here are the popular ones:

  • By colour
  • By seasonal wear
  • Casual and party wear
  • Frequency of use

Arranging clothes by a system that’s suitable for your children will help them pick out their outfits easily and even make it easier for them to mix and match their clothing to create new outfits.

Do you have any tips on how to build the perfect capsule wardrobe for kids? Let us know in the comments below! 


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