Back on the fitness track- How to get fit after having a baby!

Mom doing a plank with a baby next to her
Am I doing it right, momma?

We’ve all seen pictures of celebrities looking trim and fit just a month or two after their pregnancy. Unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with a team of nutritionists and fitness trainers that help us get into shape while the nannies take care of the baby. Losing the extra baby weight is something every new mom is concerned about. For someone who used to work out regularly, I used to worry quite a lot about getting fit after having a baby.

But that became the least of my worries when I gave birth. My daughter became the centre of my world. Not that I didn’t want to get fit, it just wasn’t a priority anymore. Getting fit after having a baby is not impossible but it takes time and patience. When I finally decided to start my fitness journey, I followed a few simple steps that helped me shed the extra weight and get healthy. I’m sharing the same with all you new moms out there!

Start when you are pregnant

Group of pregnant women stretching
Working out for two!

I took my pregnancy as a sign to ditch working out and gorge on a whole tub of ice-cream for breakfast. It wasn’t a wonder I looked 5 months pregnant when I was just into my first trimester. I started working out in my second trimester after I was given the go-ahead by my obstetrician.

I incorporated 30 minutes of brisk walking and light weight-training exercises which not only elevated my mood but also got rid of the pregnancy fatigue.

If you ask my personal opinion, I believe that working out during my pregnancy helped me bounce back quicker after I gave birth. If you’ve already given birth, this advice might be too late for you. But if you are still pregnant, go get your dose of endorphins. Consult your obstetrician to know what’s best for your body since everyone’s pregnancy is different.

*Warning- Always consult your doctor before starting any sort of physical activity, especially if you have a complicated pregnancy. Also, make sure to not indulge in exercises and activities which are a strict no-no for pregnant women. 


Mother holding a sleeping baby and sleeping on a chair
You both need rest!

Jumping into fitness within weeks after giving birth is not the best idea. Take time for yourself and enjoy the experience of being a mother. Taking care of a new-born baby can be a bit exhausting and the last thing you’d want to do is take a run or head to the gym. Get ample rest, and eat well until you feel strong enough to start on a fitness journey.

Start when your body is ready

They say that fitness is all about preparing yourself mentally and being motivated. Sure, I had a lot of motivation and the desire to shed the extra kilos but unfortunately, my body was not on the same page. Even though I had a relatively easy pregnancy, I was still spotting 5 weeks after delivery and still doing pelvic floor exercises to strengthen my pelvic muscles weeks after giving birth. It’s not enough that you are mentally fit to start working out, your body should be prepared too. If you are unsure about whether your body is ready, start with something light as brisk walking and yoga. If you notice it affecting your body in the wrong way, stop immediately.

Start small and stay consistent

Woman brisk walking in the park
Walk that baby fat off!

Sure, it would give your ego an amazing boost to head to the gym right after your pregnancy and start deadlifting 70 pounds but you’ll probably not want to return to the gym for a week after that. When starting with post-partum exercises, start with something light like brisk walking and jogging. After a week, you can indulge in light strength-based training that will help you strengthen your muscles slowly. Even though intense cardio workouts help you lose weight, it does not do much for muscle strength. The right balance of cardio and weight-training will help you lose the baby pounds while also, toning your body.

Find a partner

Two women doing planks and high-fiving each other
Sweating it out together!

Find a buddy to partner up with on your fitness journey. It doesn’t have to be another new mommy, it can be anyone who will work out with you and support you on your journey to getting fit. Having a partner to work out with will help you stay consistent and not give up easily. I didn’t have much trouble looking for a partner as my husband Nisar was more than happy to work out with me and shed a few kilos of his own. We worked out at home with free weights and went jogging on weekends.

Stay consistent

Woman sweating and holding pull-up rings
Stay motivated!

It doesn’t matter how hard you work out, what matters is how consistent you are with your workout. Make sure to stay consistent with whatever you are doing and stick to it. Fitness requires dedication and consistency. Make working out a part of your routine and you’ll see changes in no time.

Do you have any fitness tips for new moms out there? Let us know in the comments below!


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