Baby Growth Spurts: All you need to know

A little girl measuring her height.

Don’t be surprised if your little one grows out of his or her adorable onesie in less than a week. Baby growth spurts occur a few days after delivery, every few weeks after and once in a couple of months during the first year. There have been instances where babies have gained a considerable amount of weight or grown in length in just 24 hours. There’s no need to worry though. It is perfectly normal and is an ample part of the baby’s physical development.

What does growth spurt in a baby mean?

A newborn's head circumference being measured.

Baby growth spurts are basically a sudden increase in the weight of the baby, the length of the baby, or the circumference of the baby’s head. While the change is noticeable in some babies, it isn’t so obvious in others. There is, however, no need to worry if you don’t see an obvious growth spurt in your baby. Make sure you visit the paediatrician regularly for checkups. The doctor will make note of the baby’s developments and make suggestions to increase growth if necessary.

When do growth spurts occur?

A baby boy crawling on a gigantic measuring tape.

There is no fixed pattern for growth spurts. The growth spurts differ from one baby to another. So, if your baby is not following the same growth pattern as your older child or that of a friend’s child, do not fret. Give your baby time and he or she will cross all the milestones.

Baby growth spurts occur mostly at (or around) these age points:

  • At 2 weeks
  • At 3 weeks
  • At 6 weeks
  • At 3 months
  • At 6 months

What are the signs of a growth spurt?

There are a few signs that could tell you that your baby is experiencing a growth spurt. If your newborn is showing any or all of these signs, he or she is most likely having a growth spurt.

Excessive feeding

A baby feeding on milk.

Babies who are being breastfed tend to nurse more than usual during a growth spurt. They may have to feed as often as every hour. Babies are usually hungrier during development milestones such as rolling over, crawling, standing up, walking, etc. too!

Long naps

A baby boy fast asleep.

During a growth spurt, babies sleep for a much longer duration. It is said that babies need plenty of sleep during growth spurts because that’s when maximum growth occurs. All their energy is then channelled for growth. So don’t worry about your baby’s sudden change in routine. The growth spurt will last only a few days and your baby will go back to his or her regular sleep cycle.

Fussy behaviour

A baby crying.

During baby growth spurts, moms see a difference in their baby’s behaviour. They seem restless all the time and want to be carried all the time. These changes probably come from the sudden surge in energy for the growth.

What should moms do during a growth spurt?

If your baby is feeding a lot, make sure you are nursing him or her whenever he or she is hungry. Drink plenty of fluids around the growth spurts so that your baby receives good nourishment throughout. If your baby is sleeping more than usual, do not wake him or her until it is to feed him or her. Let your baby get the rest he or she needs.

I hope I’ve answered most of the questions you have about Baby Growth Spurts. If you have any more, let me know in the comments.


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