5 Last-minute fancy dress costume ideas!

A girl dressed as a doctor and a boy dressed as an engineer.

My wife is artsier than I am so she usually takes up the responsibility of dressing our 6-year-old son, Anoop, for the fancy dress shows in school. This time around, she was out of town for work and I had to take up the task of ideating and executing the whole thing. My wife offered to help ideate but I told her I had it all figured – when I clearly didn’t. Being the procrastinator that I am, I pushed the task to an extent that I hardly had any time to work on it.

Fortunately for me, I found a few of these simple yet interesting outfits that work as fancy dresses.


This one goes first one the list because this is what I bought for my son for the fancy dress competition in school. On our last vacation, we happened to bump into a friendly pilot who later in the day called Anoop to the cockpit where he showed him how he flies the airplane. Ever since, Anoop can’t stop talking about how badly he wants to become a pilot! So this is the costume I got him – which I paired with a pair of shiny shoes, a pilot hat, and small trolley bag for him to drag around.

A boy dressed as a pilot.
Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts. We’re about to take off.


If your child aspires to become a doctor or simply likes playing one, you could consider getting this outfit for your little one. There’s not much you’ll have to add to this – it even comes with a stethoscope applique around the neck so you don’t have to worry about your child dropping it somewhere on the way. Maybe a small doctor kit, a pair of gloves, and your little surgeon is all set to shine!

A girl pretending to be a doctor.
We’re almost done. Don’t worry, it’s going to sting only a little.


This is the perfect costume for all those Masterchef Junior fans! Pair up this white shirt with a pair of black trousers, a black apron, and a long white chef hat. You could buy a couple of kitchen cutlery (toys, of course) so that your little chef can pretend to cook the perfect steak when he or she is on stage!

A young girl dressed as a chef.
You should try this delicious pizza I just made!

Ball dancer

If you want to pick something out of the ordinary, you could go for this white tuxedo for your child’s fancy dress competition. Pair this up with a pair of white pants and a bow tie and your little one is ready to go! Girls could pick any beautiful gown, and pair it up with a pair of ballerinas to look like a perfect ballerina. Don’t forget to teach your child a few ballroom dance moves before the big day!

A baby boy dressed as a ball dancer.
Would you like to dance with me?

Marathon runner

This should be the easiest costume to put together. You can pick absolutely any t-shirt or sports jersey, pair it up with a pair of running shorts or joggers – and that’s all you need! You could get a sticker printed out with the name of the marathon say, Bangalore Marathon 2020, along with a random number and stick it on your child’s t-shirt. Make sure you get your son to wear a pair of running shoes and he’s all set for the show!

A girl on a marathon.
Almost touched the finish line!

These costumes are easy to put together and don’t need much effort. A few of them like the Chef’s shirt and the tuxedo can be reused at dinner parties too! So what do you think of these fancy dress ideas? Let me know in the comments below.


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