3 Homemade hair oil recipes for strong and shiny hair!

Woman applying oil to her hair

Coconut oil not doing the job for your hair anymore? Not surprised. If your hair is damaged, it needs more than just moisture from the coconut oil. Here are 3 homemade hair oils that will not only strengthen your hair but also make it soft and shiny!

Curry leaves hair oil

Curry leaves hair oil

Curry leaves not only make your favourite dishes taste delicious but they also aid in hair growth. Curry leaves are very high in beta-carotene, amino acids, which are essential for hair growth. While there are health benefits to consuming the leaves, it also helps when used topically to repair damaged hair in a holistic and non-pharmaceutical way


  • Half a bowl of curry leaves
  • 1 bowl coconut oil


  • Add the curry leaves and coconut oil into a bowl and heat it up.
  • Heat the mixture until you see the leaves change colour. Ensure to heat it on low or medium flame.
  • Turn off the heat when the leaves change colour and let it cool down.
  • Strain the mixture once it has cooled down. Store the oil in a bottle.

Usage: Massage the hair oil onto your roots. You can even apply it to your hair if it’s dry. Leave it on for three hours or overnight and rinse it with shampoo and continue with your regular hair care routine. You can use the oil twice a week and store it for a month.

Essential Oils hair oil

A bottle of essential oil with herbs next to it

While I do not believe that essential oils can treat your flu. I do think that they are quite beneficial to your hair and skin when used topically. There are several essential oils that promote hair growth. But there is a certain way you have to use it. Essential oils are quite potent and have to be diluted with a carrier oil. Fix frizzy, dry and damaged hair with these epic hair oil blends!


  • Half a cup of Carrier oil- Coconut oil, Almond oil, or Olive oil (pick one)
  • 15-20 drops of essential oil- Cedarwood oil, Rosemary oil, or Peppermint oil (pick one)


  • Combine the carrier oil and essential oils together in a bottle and shake well till they combine.
  • Use a dark-tinted bottle and store the oil in a dark place.

Usage: You can use the oil on your scalp once a week as a pre-shampoo treatment. I suggest doing a patch test before trying it out to ensure you do not have any allergic reactions. Also do not keep the oil on your scalp for more than 8 hours as it can irritate the scalp in some cases. 

Hibiscus and neem hair oil

Hibiscus flower next to a bottle of oil

I’m sure you might have heard about this homemade hair oil from your mother or grandmother. Hibiscus and neem are two amazing ingredients to incorporate in your hair care routine. They not only strengthen your hair but also improve the overall thickness, health, and appearance of your hair. And this DIY hair oil is so easy to make, check it out for yourself.


  • ½ bowl of dried and crushed hibiscus leaves and flower.
  • ½ bowl of dried and crushed neem leaves.
  • 2 bowls of almond oil


  • Add all the ingredients in a pan and start heating it.
  • Heat the mixture for about 10 minutes or until the oil starts fuming.
  • Strain the oil once it has cooled down and store it in a bottle.

Usage: Apply the oil to your hair twice a week and leave it overnight. Shampoo in the morning and continue with your regular hair care routine.

Did you try these homemade hair oil blends and mixtures to fix your damaged hair, add thickness and shine? Let me know in the comments below!

**I suggest you do a patch test with all the oils before using them to avoid any allergic reaction. This is just beauty advice and shouldn’t be mistaken for professional advice.


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