25 easy and fun riddles for kids that are anything but boring!

Little girl thinking and staring into the distance
Riddles that will blow your mind!

Riddles are one of the best ways to keep your kid engaged while helping them sharpen their thinking skills. But most of the riddles for kids out there are a tad bit boring. We bring to you 25 fun riddles for young children that will get their brains churning!

1. I have a neck but no head

Answer: Bottle

2. Which month in the year has 28 days?

Answer: All months

3. I am an odd number when I am by myself. But if you take away one of my letters, I become even. Which number am I?

Answer: Seven

4. They come out in the night without an invite. They never step out in the morning no matter how much you beg and plead.

Answer: Stars

5. I have four legs but I never walk. Sometimes, I am dragged.

Answer: Table

6. I have to be broken first if I have to be used. What am I?

Answer: Egg

7. I brighten up your dark times at the cost of my life. Who am I?

Answer: Candle

8. Arshad’s parents have three sons- Amar, Akhbar and…..?

Answer: Arshad

9. I always accompany you to dinner but you never eat me. What am I?

Answer: Cutlery

10. Why is a teddy bear never hungry?

Answer: Because it is stuffed

Little boy reading a book and laughing
Riddles that tickle your funny bone!

11. What did nacho chip say to the other chip?

Answer: Shall we salsa?

12. Which one of Mickey Mouse’s friends stays in space?

Answer: Pluto

13. Why did the restaurant on the moon fail?

Answer: Because it had great food but no atmosphere.

14. My pant pockets are empty but I still have something in it. What is it?

Answer: Holes

15. What can you serve but not eat?

Answer: A tennis ball

16. I have hands. I help you. But I never clap. What am I?

Answer: Clock

17. I’m so delicate that you can break me by just whispering my name. What am I?

Answer: Silence

18. I am in a race and passed the person in the second place. Which position am I in now?

Answer: Second place

Little boy sitting in the grass and thinking
Time to put my brain to test!

19. After the flight crashed, every single person died. Who survived?

Answer: All the couples

20. I am a word. I look the same upside down. Which word am I?

Answer: SWIMS

21. I have beautiful hair and I dance with the maid every day. What am I?

Answer: Broom

22. I go up and never go down as long as you are alive. What am I?

Answer: Age

23. It gets whipped and beaten but never cries. What is it?

Answer: Egg

24. The only way to say ‘yes’ to this question is by not being able to answer it. What is it?

Answer: Are you asleep?

25. If you feed me, I live. If you water me, I die. What am I?

Answer: Fire

We bet your children will love these riddles for kids! Let us know how much they scored!


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