22 Modern Hindu baby boy names starting with the letter D!

Vector image of a baby sitting next to the letter ‘D’
Daivik? Deepak? Nah, too boring!

We all want to anoint our children with a name that’s unique and meaningful. But it’s so hard to find such names! Having three boys myself, I understand that pain more than anyone and that’s why I’m here to help you out. Here are some unique and meaningful Hindu baby boy names starting with the letter D!

Daaruk- This name is derived from one of the characters in Mahabharata. It is the name of Lord Krishna’s Charioteer. He is also the Son of Garuda.

Damik- Even though this name sounds quite complicated, it has a very simple meaning. It means ‘Land’ or ‘Earth’. Fun fact? It is also the name of an American Football player.

Danvir- This name is inspired by the Sanskrit word ‘Dana’ which means charitable and generous. Danvir is quite an unusual name and perfectly suitable for a Hindu boy if you like mythology-inspired names.

Dabeet- If you are looking for a name that’s unique but also meaningful, you should consider Dabeet which means ‘Warrior’.

Danen- Every parent thinks their child is talented. If you think your little boy is going to grow up into a talented young man, why not name him Danen meaning ‘Talented’?

Dalsher- This is a name commonly used in North India and is suitable for a strong little boy. This name means ‘Strong’.

Daha- Such a short and sweet name, right? The meaning is pretty interesting too, it means ‘Bright’ or ‘Blazing’.

Daman- We know your little guy has you wrapped around his finger already so why not choose a name that goes with his commanding nature. Daman means ‘The one who controls’

Baby with a crown on its head
Let me be your ruler!

Dasan- He sure rules your little world. Dasan is a very unique name for a Hindu boy and means ‘Ruler’ or ‘Conqueror’.

Dasu- Looking for a name that’s as cute as your boy? How about Dasu? The name means ‘Smart’ and ‘Creative’.

Davuth- Meaning ‘Wealthy’, this is one of the rare Hindy boy names that begin with D. It is also a popular surname in the United States and Cambodia.

Daxesh- People with the name Daxesh are said to have a very strong presence. This mythology-inspired name means ‘Lord Brahma’.

Debarya- This is one of the names that makes you take notice. This sweet-sounding name means ‘Divine’. 

Dipesh- Deepesh or Dipesh is a modern Hindu name with a very simple meaning. The name means ‘The Sun’.

Devadutt- Inspired by the Buddhist monk Devadutta who was also the cousin and brother-in-law of Gautam Siddartha, Devadutt means ‘King’ or ‘Gift of God’.

Money raining on a baby
I shower in money!

Dhanis- Quite an interesting name, isn’t it? This Hindu boy name means ‘Lord of Wealth’.

Dyumna- This Sanskrit derived name is quite uncommon and means ‘Glorious’. It is also one of the names that’s suitable for both boys and girls.

Dhevan- We are sure your little one is quite angelic. This name meaning ‘Godly’ will be perfect for him.

Dwijesh- Looking for a name that’s modern and yet religious? You should consider ‘Dwijesh’ which means ‘The Lord of Brahmins’.

Dhiren- Dhiren is a very interesting Hindu boy name nd means ‘Godly’ or ‘Saintly’.

Divit- There are very few names that mean ‘Immortal’ and Divit is one of them. The name is popular in the Northen parts of India.

Durjay- Think your little boy will grow up to be a powerful chap? Then you should name him ‘Durjau’ meaning ‘The one who is hard to conquer’.

Do you know of any interesting names that should be added to our list of Hindu baby boy names starting with the letter D? Let me know in the comments section below!

Check out more Hindu baby boy names >>



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