21 Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names that start with V

All we ever want for our little babies is a perfect life, starting with a perfect name! Selecting a name can get pretty hard especially if more parties are involved in the decision-making process. To make things easier, we’ve listed down the best of Hindu baby boy names that start with V. Browse through them and let me know if you liked any!

  • Vineet: The name Vineet means ‘Modest’ and is name that carries the meaning of a quality you’d want your little boy to have.
  • Vinil: The colour blue is a symbol of truth, confidence, intelligence and wisdom – attributes you aspire your baby boy to have. The name Vinil which means ‘Blue’ makes for a perfect name.
  • Vipin: The name Vipin names ‘Forest’. Forests stand for depth, life, and prosperity.
  • Virat: Virat is an adjective that translates to ‘Large’. Though a rare name, it has been popularised by the Indian cricket team captain, Virat Kohli.
  • Vishesh: A very simple word, Vishesh means ‘Special’ in more than one Indian language.

  • Veer: If you prefer choosing a concise name for your baby boy, you can consider naming him Veer which means Brave’.
  • Vidhaan: A meaningful name that rolls of the tongue easily is what we want for our baby. The name Vidhaan means ‘Creator’.
  • Vidip: Vidip is a very rare name that translates to ‘Bright’.
  • Vidvan: All of us want our kids to grow up to be scholars, don’t we? Vidvan means just that – ‘Scholar’.
  • Vidyadhar: If you are looking for a unique Hindu name that starts with V, you could pick Vidyadhar which means ‘Learned’.

  • Vidyut: An uncommon name that can be shortened to the nickname Vid, Vidyut means  ‘Brilliant’.
  • Vihaan: A very modern name for boys, the name means ‘Morning’ – perfect for your little son who is as bright as the morning sun!
  • Vijval: Vijval means ‘Intelligent’ and can be used for siblings or twins, one of whose name can be Ujval.
  • Vilas: A short name with a positive meaning, Vilas meaning ‘Path to happiness’ is perfect for your newborn child.
  • Vimal: A child’s smile and cry are the purest forms of love. Vimal, a rare name for boys, means ‘Pure’.

  • Visvash: Yet another name that translates to ‘Bright’, Visvash is a very beautiful name for boys.
  • Vansh: If you’re looking for an uncommon name with a traditional touch, you could go for this! The name Vansh carries the meaning – ‘Generation’ as in the future generation of a parent who will carry on the family legacy.
  • Vrishab: A powerful name among the many Hindu boy names that start with V, Vrishab means Excellent’ can be paired with Rishab for twins or siblings.
  • Ved: A three-letter name that is unique and meaningful, Ved is perfect for your baby boy. The name translates to ‘Sacred knowledge’.
  • Vedant: Another name that has the touch of ancient texts, Vedant means ‘Hindu philosophy’.
  • Vatsa: Vatsa is a modern and unique Hindu name that carries the simple meaning ‘Son’.

Which of these Hindu baby boy names that start with V did you like best? Let me know in the comments section below.


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