21 Modern Christian Baby Boy Names that start with B

The letter B.

While some parents prefer picking out their baby names themselves, some others like to involve their friends and family on picking out a name. As you filter the baby names suggested by everyone, you practically know, at the back of your mind, what name you are most likely to choose because it struck a cord the minute you heard it.

If you’re looking for Christian baby boy names that start with B, browse through my favourite ones that’ll make you go, “awww”!

Brad: A broad clearing in the woods

Bran: A raven

Brandon: A hill covered with a weed named ‘Broom’

Bryan: A virtuous young man

Ben: A Latin word for “blesssed”

A baby with wings.
This is the best nap I’ve had in a loooong time!

Bradley: A broad cleaning in the woods

Benji: A Hebrew word for “Son of the right hand”

Bosco: A shrub

Bruce: A thicket

Barney: A man strong as a bear

A sleepy newborn holding a teddy.
Come here now, Teddy!

Barrie: An Irish word for spear

Benett: A Latin word for blessed

Braden: A broad valley

Berkley: A meadow of birch trees

Briston: Little Star

A baby boy singing with a mic.
I’m a rockstar!

Barry: An Irish term for spear

Baron: A man of nobility

Bobin: The settlement of a family

Bowan: The son of Owen

Bryce: The son of a nobleman

Bruno: An old high German word for shield

A boy holding a shield and a sword.
I shall shield you from all evil!

Which of these Christian baby boy names that start with B struck a chord with you? Let me know in the comments section.


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