20 Unique Lord Shiva baby boy names!

Statue of Shiva’s Torso in Tamil Nadu
The Mighty One!

Mysterious and powerful, Lord Shiva is widely worshipped in India. Regarded as the patron God of tranquillity and arts, He is also known as the ‘The Destroyer’. After the release of the popular Shiva trilogy books, there was an incline in the number of people who were naming their baby after the Supreme being. We bring to you 20 Lord Shiva baby boy names that are perfect for your little boy. These unique boy names inspired by Lord Shiva are much different from the regular names.

1. Anagh– Derived from the name ‘Anagha’, this name means ‘sinless’ and ‘pure’. 

2. Avyagrah- Lord Shiva is well known for his third eye. Avyagrah means ‘A focused person with a singular vision who is not distracted by materialistic possessions.’

3. Bhaiarv- This is the perfect name for your baby boy if you want him to be brave. This name basically means ‘the one who removes fear’.

4. Bhalanetra- Meaning the ‘One-eyed supreme being’, this is a traditional shiva inspired name for boys.

5. Bhuvanesh– This name means ‘Ruler of the World’. Shiva was also known as the ruler of all beings.

6. Devesh– Meaning ‘Lord of the Divines’, this is another popular name of Lord Shiva.

7. Dhruvah– This name depicts one of Lord Shiva’s main characteristics- his relentlessness.

8. Eashan– Another one of Shiva’s names, this is the perfect modern Lord Shiva inspired name for your baby boy.

9. Gajaha– Shiva was well known as the one who cut off Ganesha’s head and replacing it with the head of an elephant. Gaja means the slayer of the elephant.

10. Gandalih– There are stories about the mountains being Lord Shiva’s recluse. Gandailh means ‘the one who dwells in the hills’.

Shiva statue next to a pond
The Supreme One!

11. Idhyah– This name talks about a person who is praiseworthy. This name is inspired by Shiva.

12. Iishaanah- Meaning ‘The Supreme one’ or ‘The owner’, this name perfectly describes Shiva.

13. Jivanah– This Shiva inspired name means ‘The giver of life’.

14. Kamah- Meaning ‘The God Of Love’, this name depicts the loving nature of Shiva.

15. Kailash Meaning ‘The Supreme being who dwells in the Kailash mountain’, this is one of the most popular names for boys

16. Lokpal- This unique name talks about the one who takes care of the world and its people.

17. Pinaki- This name means ‘The one who is armed with a bow’ and talks about Lord Shiva.

18. Rudra- This name depicts the intimidating and unforgiving form of Shiva.

19. Shoolin- This modern name talks about the one who wields the trident.

20. Varada- This is one of the classic Lord Shiva inspired names for boys. It means ‘the granter of boons’.

Which is your favourite name from the list? Do you know of any interesting Lord Shiva baby boy names? Let us know!


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