20 modern Hindu baby boy names starting with R for your sweet angel

The alphabet R made with exotic tropical leaves.

Looking for the best names for your newborn? Here are 20 awesome Hindu baby boy names starting with R that you will certainly love!

Rishi – This name has an Indian origin and it belonged to a prominent sage in the past. Rishi also means a ray of sunlight.

Ranvit – If you’re looking for a modern baby name with a profound meaning, you’ll love this one. Ranvit means cheerful or joyous!

Risheek – Another modern Hindu baby boy name, this is a perfect deity inspired name for your baby.

Ranveer – A name with an Indian origin, Ranveer is a common name in the Hindu as well as the Sikh culture. It means Hero of the battle!

Reyansh – My best friend’s son goes by the name Reyansh and I absolutely adore it and him! Reyansh means the first ray of sunlight that touches the universe.

Ritvan – This name has an Indian origin and it means the ultimate Lord. It is believed that people who go by the name Ritvan are often generous, friendly, and approachable.

Rahul – A very popular Indian baby boy name, you must have come across this one several times while watching a Shah Rukh Khan movie! The meaning of this name has undergone various adaptations, however, the original meaning is ‘conqueror of all miseries’.

Adorable baby lying on a children’s rug wearing a white-blue woollen cap.

Rahil – An unconventional Indian name, Rahil refers to someone who shows others directions.

Rachit – This name is of an Indian origin and can be more commonly found in Jainism. Rachit means an invention.

Raghav – A name rooted in the Indian culture, Raghav is a patronymic of Ramachandra. The name also refers to a descendant of Raghu.

Raushik – Another unconventional name, Raushik means a sentiment of love.

Raunak – I’ve always been very fond of this Hindu baby boy name. It is of Indian origin and it means fame. Raunak is a widely popular North Indian name.

Rigved – A name deep-seated in the Hindu mythologies, Rigved is the name of a Veda in the Hindu culture.

Rishabh – A name with a musical meaning, Rishabh also refers to someone with immense moral fiber. Rishabh is also the second note of the Indian scale of music.

Close-up picture of the hands of a mom and her newborn

Rishit – A very special name for your special one, Rishit means ‘The Best’.

Rohan – A common Bollywood name, Rohan refers to someone who always takes the higher path.

Rushil – Your beautiful little baby deserves a name as enchanting as him. Rushil refers to someone who is charming.

Riyaan – A name with an Indian origin, your baby will love this name! Riyaan means ‘Little King’.

Raj – A Sanskrit name for Hindu boys, the uber-stylish name Raj means ‘King’!

Randeep – This name belongs to one of the finest Bollywood actors, Randeep Hooda! Coincidentally, Ranveer and Randeep both mean ‘Hero of the Battle’!

I love these modern Hindu baby boy names starting with R!

Did you find something you liked? Let me know in the comments.


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